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5:27 PM


Posted by hOtspUrz

Syukur Alhamdulillah!!!!! Rezeki Allah kurniakan kpd aku skg ni.. syukur sgt2...

Sbnrnye post kali ni tak de niat nak bongkak ato belagak.. just wanna share sumtin yg sgt2 wat aku rse bertuah dan bersyukur kepada Allah..

sblm hbs bljr tempoh hari hOtspUrz sudah dpt twrn keje kat DIBEGARD Pharmaceutical.. actually job ni di recommended by Soo Ee (co-supervisor thesis) thanks a lot soo ee coz giving me an opportunity!!!! twrn keje tuh as a Research & Development Exec.. Tarikh mula keje sepatutnye 10 May 2010 but mintak extend sampai 17 may 2010... TAPI.... hOtspUrz tpkse tolak tawaran keje ni pas fikir byk prob.. at 1st 3 month kne wat sales n marketing kat sri hartamas!!!! then after 3 month baru balik wat R&D kat Bukit Jalil.. tp depends on company!!!! huhhhhh...siyesly hOtspUrz TAK MINAT SALES & MARKETING AT ALL!!!!!! that y tolak twrn.. then sebab lain hOtspUrz tak minat dlm biotech and pharmaceutical industry!! susah kot. amek food sc!! pharmaceutical kne major in bio medicine and chemistry!!! bio chem & food chem pun kantoi.. mcm mne nak perform!! hahaha.. tp gaji and skim dia memang terbaek!! MYR2400!!! tp nak wat mcm mne.. hotspUrz da decide utk decline....

then lps tuh g intvw plak kat Charen Pokphand (pertanian pertiwi-product ayam 5Stars) penah mkn???? haha.. hOtspUrz mintak as a R&D jugak.. tp on that intvw dorg mcm nak bg QC je.. emm tak pe redha je dlu.. hOtspUrz gtau availability on JUNE!!! hehe so dorg pun pending la jwpn..

lps tuh plak hOtspUrz g intvw kat KAMI FOOD. kat kepong.. company ni produce surimi based products!! hahaha sme la ngan working experience hOtspUrz dlu kat SEAPACK FOOD... jdnye mse intvw tuh happening giler la.. dorg asyk tnye pasal experience je.. tnye pasal job description tnye pasal profit company dlu (seapack) coz seapack ni competitor dorg dlu.. tp skg ni seapack da berkubur!!!!. haha.. yg intvw aku account manager!!! dia siap ckp "wah i'm very interested with u to join our company!!! but i must discuss with my manager 1st!!" huhh dlm hati ckp alhamdulillah!! mcm ada hasil... then Miss Jenny tuh siap ckp ok nxt week we will call u for the confirmation and hope u confirm to join us!!! haha.. tp aku ckp la if i didnt get any offer from others i'll confirm wanna grab this opportunity!! hahaha..

then rush blk kedah coz ada intvw kat penang plak!! huhhh. FIKA FOOD (Rex Canning Group-sardine cinta). tp fika food wat chicken meat product and pastry product.. mcm sausage nugget (tesco brand) curry puff, paratha, pizza.. intvw kat Rex Canning at Bukit Minyak Industrial Estate kat Juru!!! huhh.. jauh gak tauu.. spe yg selalu gne PLUS g KL mesti nampak kilang ni kat tepi Highway... on that intvw pun sme.. tnye pasal working experience.. semua soalan hOtspUrz bley jwb.. siap jual nama Prof Salam lg coz prof penah jd adviser utk company tuh and pernah jd share holder.. huhu.. manager tu siap ckp.. ooo u r salam babji student!!! hahaha.. nak cari makan kan kne la jual sket nama prof.. lg pun aku da inform kat prof salam coz dpt intvw kat situ.. huhuhu..

Tp selepas menunggu feedback dari company Pertanian Pertiwi call gtau nak amek aku as a QC dengan gaji MYR2k!!! emm.. aku terus confirm!!! but terfikir plak nak keje kat penang coz dekat ngan rumah.. tp tak pe tunggu dlu.. then Kami Food pun call nak amek aku as a R&D but kne wat keje QC selama 1tahun dlu.. based kat ULU YAM!!! coz factory kat sne.. huhhhh..Gaji MYR1.6k!!!! huhhh adoi mula la nak merejek!!! haha.. hOtspUrz call gtau nak decline terus dorg marah coz dia ckp hOtspUrz da cnfrm nak join hari tuh.. hahaha.. ye la klo xdpt yg lain (better) memang nak keje situ but gaji sikit la.. then duduk ulu yam plak!!!. emmm... lps rejek Miss Jenny account manager call plak keesokkan hari.. pujuk + counter offer nak bg 1.8k plak.. emm sorry miss jenny hOtspUrz terpaksa rejek coz ulu yam tak de coverage 3G!!! aku xbley hidop tanpa internet!!!! hahahaha.. tp pape pun hOtspUrz decline ngan cara baek hantar surat and call.. Sorry ya!!!

At last before nak confirm keje kat pertanian pertiwi (senawang) hOtspUrz tunggu FIKA food call... at last dia call nak amek as a R&D for pastry product!! GAJI??????? MYR1.5k!!! haaaaaa?? 1.5 je?? sikit giler!!! siyes sgt2 sikit.. 1st time company nak bg gaji ciput mcm neh.. haiyooooo.. terus hOtspUrz decline n ckp u salary to low and i got another job that giving me a higher salary!!!!! hahaha.. coz prof salam pernah ckp " u dont sell uself to low" try to find that company can hire u better salary!!!...

Apa2 pun skg ni hOtspUrz da decide nak g keje kat Pertanian Pertiwi kat senawang!!!!
insyaAllah mudah2an akan bekerja dengan cemerlang!!! haha. so korg pas neh beli la brand 5Stars ye.. huhu.. doakan hOtspUrz berjaya dlm kerjaya ini dan tidak lupa diri bila da berjaya.. coz kunci kejayaan ialah sentiasa ingat dimana asal usul kita!!!.. insyaAllah..