Just wanna share some picca bout my place at saudi.. actually this office is COLD ROOM build !!!!! but they modified to become office!! huhhh.. so when u sit at there u will be serving with a special sound!!! the sound like a boat engine!!!!! (en raja - production manager - eee bunyi mcm cibai mcm dok dalam kapai!!!) huhu.. but quite nice there coz we are separated from others!!! biasa la Research & Development!!!

tadaaaaaaaaaaaa.. R&D exec table!! provided with a nice computer without internet (in the early), USB (was close - to avoid any transferring data) but after request from IT Department for the internet, they was open the line and for sure FB are forbidden!!! (dia block awl2), yahoo messenger and any mail also was blocked!!! haha.. so most of the day hOtspUrz only excess hotsclopedia (my blog la), and searching info for a new product development..
nice table...hehe
fuiyoo..ada opis sendiri. best2
ika: haha nice la jugek.. but kami food provide tenet without block!! huhu..here byk yg kne block lor...
mal: opis kongsi 3 org lor.. bukan aku sorg je.. hehehe..
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